Tag: cacao

  • RECIPE: Tahini Mocha

    RECIPE: Tahini Mocha

    It’s no secret that I am obsessed with tahini. The first recipe I ever published here, many years ago, did indeed use tahini. I even joke with people that if I ever write a book, it will be all about tahini! Funny story….have you ever gotten so excited about something such as a book, a…

  • DIY Chai Spice + A Quick Recipe

    DIY Chai Spice + A Quick Recipe

    It’s no secret that I’m obsessed with chai. Whether it’s in the form of a tea latte, a dessert, or even beauty products…I’m addicted. The spices that almost embrace you in a warm hug and the flavors that dance around on your tongue, it’s very comforting to me. Any trip to a local coffee or…

  • Peppermint Mocha Cookies

    Peppermint Mocha Cookies

    Where are my crispy cookie fans at??? Willow won’t be joining us at this cookie party because she claims these are too crispy for her…yet she will plow through those Simple Mills cookies like nothing, which are waaay crispier than these. Life with a five year old (insert the eye rolling emoji). She will, however,…

  • Grain-Free Chocolate Cookies

    Grain-Free Chocolate Cookies

    Over the last couple of months, I have become obsessed with this DIY paleo flour blend. Not only is it way cheaper to make your own blend, but it also took all of the guesswork out for me because when it comes to using coconut flour, I literally fail every. single. time. But with this…

  • RECIPE: Chocolate Muffins

    Funny story about these muffins – I created this recipe months ago, but when I went to type up the blog post, my notes got all jumbled together and I couldn’t figure out which trial was the one. I stared at four separate pieces of paper with jotted measurements and couldn’t figure it out! I was…

  • RECIPE: Rich, Creamy (Vegan) Hot Cocoa

    After a day of sledding or snow fort building, there was nothing better than warming up to a mug of cocoa. For me, every time I sip on hot cocoa, I’m flooded with childhood memories of playing out in the snow and cold with my brother – and we’d come inside to hot cocoa with…

  • REVIEW: September Favorites

    Hello, friends! I don’t know about you, but September flew by faster than any month so far. Hard to believe that the holidays are fast approaching. You’ll be happy to hear that this post isn’t nearly as long as my Summer Favorites round-up! We didn’t try very many new products and my list of books…

  • RECIPE: Iced Tahini Mocha with Maple-Tahini-Cacao Sauce AND a GIVEAWAY

    I warned you that there were going to be more tahini recipes! This one has even been approved by one of my dear friends, Diana, who hasn’t quite hopped over to the tahini lovers side. When tahini is paired with coffee AND chocolate, you’ve got a dangerous combo. If you follow me on Instagram, you already got…

  • RECIPE: Cacao Crunch Smoothie

    Often times I just throw things in the Vitamix and don’t pay any attention to measurements…leaving me guessing when I try to replicate a delicious smoothie. Several weeks ago, I created a chocolate one that received quite a few ‘likes’ on Instagram, so I thought I would share the recipe here, for those who don’t…

  • RECIPE: Maple Crunch Granola {Oil-Free}

    We LOVE granola, but it’s a struggle to find one we can eat without spending an arm and a leg.  Making your own not only saves you money, but you can also easily change up the flavor and texture. This time around, I was on a mission to create one that was not only full of flavor,…