Category: Soups

  • Everything but the Kitchen Sink Soup

    Everything but the Kitchen Sink Soup

    Hello and happy Friday, my friends! A few years ago, while following an autoimmune protocol (AIP) diet, I created a super simple soup recipe that I pretty much lived on. As time went by and I was able to incorporate more ingredients/foods into my diet, this soup grew along with me! The best part about…

  • Savory Roasted Butternut Squash Soup

    This time time of year is my absolute favorite – cooler weather, all the wonderful varieties of squash, and lots of soup! I used to always start my day with a smoothie, but these days I’ve traded it in for a bowl of hot soup. Not only is it comforting, but it’s also a great…

  • Homemade White Bean Chili

    The one thing I love about winter is the warm comfort food that comes with it – especially soups and chili. Tonight we decided to mix it up a bit and create a white bean chili. This recipe makes a large pot of chili and fed five of us with leftovers to spare….we all had second…